Argento you glad I finally embraced Italian horror?
Confession: I have only just watched 'Suspiria' for the first
time a few days ago. Although my childhood-self did have a terrifying
relationship with the VHS cover at the video shop horror section. I’m sure this
is a common experience with most horror fans as where else did you get the taste
for the macabre if not Civic Video.
'Suspiria' (1977, directed by Dario Argento) was a hard movie for
me to form an opinion on. When I started writing about it I found myself complaining
for whole paragraphs about the English dubbing. I won’t go into it but I will
say it ultimately ruined the immersion for me.

Also on the team are the voice actors dubbing their script
over the film, which was a method used for many Italian horror classics. During
his work he clashes with producers and the language barrier proves too
isolating as Gilderoy discovers the horrors of what humans will do to each other
in the name of their art.
Toby Jones is fantastic in the lead role, he is an actor who never fails to give a genuine and impressive performance. All the supporting actors are also superb (with some especially strong female characters) and pulled off the gripping dynamic of isolation and manipulation.
The film takes on a surreal quality as it progresses and
becomes brilliant in a way I can only compare to a David Lynch masterpiece. If
you like your films to be less linear more experimental then it is for you. 'Berberian
Sound Studio' is unique in the way that it’s plot and themes are directly reflected
in the way it is filmed and more specifically how sound is used.
I really stress that you need to watch this film with full subtitles
as it is in English and Italian and you need to understand what is being said
without the other characters knowing. It becomes a complete mind-fuck as you
are watching a film about creating sound effects while taking notice of the
other sound effects in the narrative of the film. If you are wanting a lesson
on becoming aware of the use of sound in film then this is the film to watch. Also,
anything that pokes fun at the camp of 70s Giallo horror and the practice of dubbing
is just icing on the cake.
In the end, while Suspiria is a much-loved classic I’m going
to stick to my opinion that while some things are done right, overall the film
is a bit of a mess. I’m perfectly happy for you to disagree vehemently with me
as I give ‘Suspiria’
a 5/10.
‘Berberian Sound Studio’ is an exercise in expanding your understanding
of film. I loved
it and am giving it an 8/10.